
Posts Tagged ‘Madrasati’

Madrasati and Anti-littering

In Uncategorized on September 4, 2010 at 8:59 pm

In a heartfelt effort to contribute to the Madrasati initiative, the social committee at the Modern Montessori School has donated its share of the Family Day Bazaar to one of the less fortunate schools in town. Ms. Maya Abu Aisha, founder of the MBS (mind, body and soul) program and a PTA member representing the teachers, had thoughtfully arranged a trip, which included three students from the junior school, Ms. Arwa Hallaq from the Counseling Department, and myself, head of Social Committee/PTA. The purpose of the visit was to donate some books, kindly brought by our students–new and old–in excellent condition. Since the Madrasati initiative instills the notion of a mutual relationship, we were also gifted a number of books to reflect upon and treasure.

I was overwhelmed to see such eagerness in both the staff and students. While walking in the school’s corridors I was lucky to spot a few posters that were part of an anti-littering campaign. While they weren’t exactly creative, they sure were inspiring, coming from a mainstream, public school in Jordan. Forward to a better future, better Jordan!

Upon leaving, a Madrasati representative has requested another meeting to discuss, in depth, the agenda of our school’s PTA. “Your programs are worth learning about and spreading,” she remarked.